How You Can Add Length of Stay Discounts (LOS Discounts)
During the listing creation process, you have the ability to add up to 3 custom length of stay discounts.
These discounts will be applied to the monthly rate for any stay that meets the discount requirements, and potential renters will only see these discounts after they have entered their desired stay dates.
To create a custom LOS discount you simply need to input the % discount that you would like applied, as well as the length of stay required to get the discount
Example: You can offer a 5% discount for any stay 3 months or longer as well as 2 other LOS discounts if you would like
Steps-By-Step How To Length of Stay Discounts (You Can Add Up To 3 Discounts)
1. Go to the "pricing" section of the listing
2. Click on the "Stay Length Discount" button
3. Enter the % discount you would like to apply & select the minimum stay required to get the discount
4. Click the "Apply" button
5. Click the "Save and Exit" button