How To Send A Special Offer
After you receive a booking request from a potential renter, hosts can send them a special offer if they choose to. When sending a special offer, the host is overriding their normal rates and will be entering the monthly rate the tenants will be paying. This means hosts need to account for what they will net when offering a special offer; hosts can see their updated net earning when they enter the special offer amount.
Step-By-Step How To Send A Special Offer
1. Login to your HouseStay account
2. Go to your dashboard
- You can see the pending request under the "items awaiting action" section
- You can also see the booking request under the "pending requests" section of your inbox
3. Click into the booking
4. Send the special offer: You will be entering the monthly rate the tenant will be paying
- You will also be able to see your updating earnings, discount to the tenant, and the original monthly rate
5. After you have sent the special offer the expiration clock will reset to 24 hours; giving the renters 24 hours to make the due at booking payment